CitySIM Rates

Call, SMS and Data


Check out our fantastic call, sms and internet rates all around the world.

CitySIM direct

Calls from Sierra Leone to CitySIM: €0.75 /min

Receiving calls in Sierra Leone: 0.35 EUR/min

Call Rates inSierra Leone

Incoming Calls Outgoing Calls Incoming SMS Outgoing SMS
€0.35 /min Local calls €1 /min
to CitySIM €0.75 /min
to other** €0.75 /min
FREE to CitySMS:0.06 /sms
to other networks €0.85 /sms

* Countries included in EU package
** Most of the mobile networks around the world with some exception. For example satellite networks and some countries.

Unfortunately there is no internet service available in Sierra Leone

We always improve our partner networks, subscribe to our newsletters and we will let you know when we can provide Internet service in Sierra Leone.